
Useful Cancer Websites and Services
For up to date information on most cancers, cancer treatments, research, fund raising and support. Has information material that can be downloaded on a wide variety of issues.
A premier site for everything cancer. Lots of information about a whole variety of cancers, clinical trials, research, best-practice guidelines (which outline how cancers should be treated)
Lots of useful information here including frequently asked questions
The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia offers lots of information for men who have localised or advanced prostate cancer. It has resources for partners and for gay and bisexual men. There’s contacts for where support groups are in your area too.
Pink Hope – has a wealth of information for those with an identified BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene fault (or are at risk of having that fault). It also have information on coping with treatment and side effects such as menopause.
Help with menopause
For lots of information about many aspects of breast cancer such as understanding the illness and treatment and the latest news on research and wellbeing.|
Familial Risk Assessment of Breast and Ovarian Cancer. The FRA-BOC is an online assessment tool which is a guideline for assessing your familial risk of developing breast or ovarian cancer. There is an introduction and terms and conditions. Of course, please talk to your doctor.
Australian Brain Tumour support groups give the contact details for a range of support groups across Australia and some great fact sheets
This fabulous fundraising organisation has provided breast care nurses throughout Australia. They have up to date information on resources in your local area’
Canteen’s Now what is a website developed by Canteen with resources for teenagers and young people experiencing cancer. That may be because they have a diagnosis of cancer themselves, or they have a parent, friend or sibling with cancer.
This is a free and community based initiative which helps people to look good and feel better with the appearance-related side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. It offers some great tips and tricks and is an understanding and safe place to explore wigs, looks and how you feel about the physical changes you are facing.
This site has useful information for how to access ongoing breast screening. That might be for you, or someone you love (like a daughter, mother or sister). If you have had treatment, your medical team with talk to you about which screening plan is best for you.
The Australian Government provides a rebate for a replacement or external breast prostheses for women who have had a mastectomy as treatment for breast cancer.
Quest for Life provides residential programmes in Bundanoon, NSW, which help to soothe, encourage and empower people who are facing serious illnesses or other personal challenges I their life.
Encore is an exercise programme based around the pool, floor and relaxation. It has been specifically designed for those who have had mastectomy, lumpectomy or reconstruction for breast cancer. Look at the ywca website to see where the course is running in your area